tirsdag den 14. august 2012


Hey there!

As a part of my 1-year study trip to Korea, both friends and family have encouraged me to write and to some extend document what might happen, while I am adventuring in these foreign lands. This blog will contain everything I find interesting enough to tell you fancy readers about, and hopefully you will find it just as interesting as me. It can be everything from traditional culture stuff, to cyberspace related geek stuff, to modern pop-culture stuff.

First a bit about me.
I normally live in Denmark, Copenhagen, but because I had the opportunity to go to Korea for a year as a part of my study, I chose to just jump and make the best of it. I study Korean and have done so for a year now.

You may ask: "why Korean?"
Which leads to the simple answer: "why not?"
And because of my answer you might ask: "but what are your plans with Korean, what can you do with it?"

I do not have any specific plans with my education. I am just doing it because I enjoy doing it.

I have always been into sports and physical activity, and hopefully I will also be able to enjoy stuff like that when settling in Korea, but for now time will show. To counteract my liking for physical activities I also like gaming. To specific I like Starcraft. If you as a reader find interest in Korea and still know nothing about Starcraft, then shame on you.

I guess this briefly sums up some things about me.

I know I wrote "first" and that a "second" always follows, but that will not be today. Instead I will give you two links with this awesome guy:

He is still awesome

See you guys next time!

1 kommentar:

  1. I don't usually follow newbie-bloggers, so you should feel very special and proud now!! haha .. Looking forward to more blogpost, Mr. (soon to be) E-famous! >:D

