søndag den 2. september 2012

Korean Pizza! With Ketchup and sweet mashed potatoes...


Pizza, the food almost everyone know and love, if made the right way and with proper skills. They are made differently all over the world, fit to different tastes and cultures. When this is said, it is also the exact same case for Korea.

Being from Denmark a pizza is in my opinion usually built up like something similar to this picture:

Or this:

Or maybe:

To some people this may seem weird, but in Denmark these are perfectly normal ways of making pizza. I like this way of making pizza.

In Korea, "normal" pizzas are apparently not good enough, so they have chosen to knock it up a bit, just so it would fit in with the culture. This makes sense in every possible way, but as I experienced it, it is just not my cup of tea.

Some days ago, two of my friends and I went out to buy books for the new semester. After 4 hours of looking around and only finding some of the books we decided to get something to eat.

1 - "Ohh look!? A Pizza Hut, should we go?"
2 - "Well you know what they say, Korean pizzas are different from ours!"
1 - "Yeah, but then again..."
3 - "Well it can't be that bad can it?"
2 - "Let's check it out then!"

Somewhat optimistic we got ourselves a table and started looking at the menu. Seriously, this looked awesome! Pizza crust stuffed with cheese!? Bring it!
Just in general the idea of making something as boring as a normal pizza crust epic, by just adding in tons of cheese or maybe some other different things is brilliant! Why can we not have cheese crust in Denmark!?

Anyways. These three different kinds of pizzas were what stood out the most:

(please note that this is not a rating, just pictures taken from the Korean pizza Huts homepage)

We all chose the first one (nr. 3. lit. BEST 3). Cheese bites and what seems like nice pizza, just had to try it out.

It actually looks nice and interesting.

To quickly describe the pizza from looks:
 - Cheese crust
 - Cheese toping
 - Bell pepper
 - Meat (cow)
 - Pineapple (I do not approve of this fruit in any way, or people who spill its juices everywhere in a salad-bar, hence it was removed)

BUT! Look what we have in here!
Mashed sweet potatoes camouflaged by cheese, and a ketchup base instead of tomato sauce.

The first bite was actually really nice and it tasted really well, but when the sweetness from the ketchup started taking over, mixed with the mashed sweet potatoes, everything just became too sweet. Imagine eating a pizza sprinkled with sugar.

I must say that this experience was not a good one, but fun to look back on now. I know that you can also get pizza cones and a lot of other different, fun, weird stuff, so for you my dear reader I will just have to try it all!

I do not know how Koreans can ever like this kind of food. Everything just has to be sweet and sugary or mixed up with something totally unexpected. I guess that is just the Korean way of mixing things up a bit.

When I have enough pictures I will write some more about food that is only tasty with our eyes. Exactly like this pizza was.

Btw. You can actually order a pizza sprinkled with sugar.

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